Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Is it Friday Yet?

I am exhausted, completely exhausted.  I was eating my dinner of leftover pasta and thinking I can make it through one more work day, when it dawned on me that it is only Tuesday, it isn't Thursday!  Wow, I was devastated.  Let me back track a little...

Yesterday was mostly good, annoyances aside, it ran pretty smoothly for the most part.  I had to take #1 son back to VMI and I didn't leave until around 4:00.  The drive there was nice, I was a little tired so I got a peppermint mocha, and a "Venti, unsweetened black ice tea"  which pretty much got me to Waynesboro where the boys (I was driving a couple other guys back as well) were ready for dinner.  One Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger and large Diet Coke later plus a lot of food for my son and we were back on the road.  I want to state for the record that I advised against the chipotle bbq wings, but he didn't listen.  We didn't get 5 minutes from the Wendy's when he had spilled the bbq sauce all over his uniform.  What a mess.  At least it was his grey uniform, not his white pants.  I finally dropped the boys off, got ready to leave and realized I still had my sons phone charger in the car with me.  It took a couple of tries but I managed to get him back down to pick it up.  By now it was after 8:00 and it was very dark and VERY stormy.  The lightning was beautiful, but it wasn't the best for driving.  I tried to talk to my Mom, but had to hang up quickly because the weather was so bad. 

Right after I got back over the mountain I realized that of course I had to go to the bathroom, I needed gas, and I was out of diet coke.  Well, I made it just past Charlottesville, and made a stop for all three.  Just in time for the first two I have to add, but all was well.  I called my husband and he was shocked that at 9:30 I was still over 2 hours away.  I told him I was staying caffeinated and felt good.  It dawned on me that I might be sorry when I got home, but I still needed to be awake to drive.  He assured me that it wouldn't be a problem.  I don't trust him- he once drank 2 super big gulps of Mt. Dew on an overnight drive to Atlanta and didn't sleep for 3 days, what does he know. 

Back to the highway, I cranked up the classic rock station on my radio, and drove.  Radar Love is a great driving song.  There was mist on the highway, lightning was zigzagging across the sky.  It was all sort of apocalyptic, but I was awake.  I made it home by 11:45, got into bed, and stared at the clock.  The caffeine did me in after all.  I don't know when I went to sleep, but I got up at 5:50.  I was good until about 4:30 this afternoon and then I decided I was done.  I am blowing off the meeting I was supposed to be at- snoring in public is never good.  My poor little girl that I tutor on Tuesdays was very tolerant of the repeated yawns and eye rubbing.  We played a lot of phonics cards games today- I had to so I could be awake! 

It is almost 7:30, #1 daughter is just making her dinner, the dogs are fed, and I am in my PJ's ready for bed.  I think I will be asleep by 8:00, or at least I hope I will.  Tomorrow is another busy day, and it starts at 4:00 AM so I need my sleep.

On a really happy note, however, #1 daughter is now allowed to start light running again.  She ran for 3 minutes on the treadmill at physical therapy last week.  This is a huge breakthrough.  She has also started to jump again.  Monday it was singles only, but today she threw a few doubles out there.  Nothing was great she said, but she was able to do most of them.  The stupid double flip is very tentative and will need working on again!  I wonder how much I have paid for that stupid jump!  But, doubles are a step in the right direction.

#1 son starts spring football practice on Thursday and is looking forward to showing his stuff.  He is really motivated!   We will be going up to watch him scrimmage several times in April.  I will keep you posted as to his progress!

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