Friday, January 6, 2012

The Week After New Year's (with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore

Twas the week after New Year's and all through the class,
 all the students were stirring and moving quite fast.
The crayon boxes were placed in their desks without care,
each hoping that recess soon would be there.

The children were sitting at each little desk,
Some quietly talking, but most just a mess.
And Mrs. K in her sweater and I in my blouse
were missing and missing our own cozy houses.

When over in the block corner their arose such a clatter
I sprang from my table to see what was the matter.
Away to the carpet I flew in a flash,
I jumped over students and work in a dash.

The sun shining brightly in spite of the cold,
Gave a glow to the classroom that was quite bold.
When what to my wondering eyes did I see,
But lots of little eyes looking right at me.

Then away from my gaze each one quickly looked,
As if they knew that their goose might be cooked.
More rapid than eagles my response quickly came,
I turned on my teacher voice and called them by name.

"Now boys", I began in my best teacher voice,
"Please tell the rule about all of this noise.
When it is time for learning centers what do I say?
What sort of voice should we use for this play?

As you know we are stuck inside because of the cold,
but please boys please tell me the rules I have told!"
Each boy looked around trying to place blame on his friends,
But of course there is only one way that this ends.

Their eyes how they twinkled, their dimples how merry,
But I have taught long enough that of cuteness I'm wary.
So back to their seats they were sent with great haste,
Then of course I reminded them to "walk, it isn't a race!"

So obviously each little child in my room,
Has had a fun break and is now back all to soon.
It has been a long week as we get back in the groove,
But hopefully each day toward more greatness we move.

So Friday is here I say with some relief,
It has been a long week full of learning and some grief,
But I will exclaim even though I am almost too tired to call,
I do love my class and Happy New Year's to All!

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