Monday, October 3, 2011

I Can Finally Talk About It

So now that it is starting to recede into the background I can start to talk about that horrible night last week.  It actually started off at the beginning of September.  First it was one loss, then another and suddenly a 9 game wild card lead was gone.  If you haven't figured it out yet I am talking about the horrible, history making slide of the Red Sox.  

I can't believe it even now.  It seemed like such a sure thing only to be gone in a gut wrenching, infuriating lack of playing.  So who is to blame for this awful mess.  The first casualty is already gone and I am sorry to see Terry Francona go.  Even if he looked more like a librarian than baseball manager I really liked his style.  He was cool. 

On paper the Sox should be at the top of the heap, but paper doesn't win games.  Heart, soul and effort win games.  So did they give up?  Who knows.  I know it was painful to watch.  I also know that somewhere there are lessons to be learned.   It isn't always about having the best players or the highest payroll.  At some point pure desire and drive play a big role.  This is a good lesson for every athlete competing in any sport.  Keep playing and trying, keep improving, victory is there for the taking.  

Okay, so maybe the victory is not always the World Series.  Maybe it is finishing the race, playing the game, completing the event.  There is victory to be had in that as well.  I may be an insane sports mom, but I actually do know the true value of sports!  Sadly the Red Sox don't seem to!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Most Expensive Gum Ever

Last week was "Back to School" night at school.  This is a great chance to see my students and their parents and enjoy a chance to get to know them.  I had planned to work through until the PTA meeting and back to school night.  I had several things to take care of and this was a great time to do it.  I actually had a great evening and headed home tired, but satisfied.

When I got home Belle and Peter Pan wanted to order Domino's, which was fine.  Belle was just walking in the door as well, she had just gotten a haircut.  So, since it was late and we were tired we got a pizza, watched some TV and enjoyed some conversation.  About the time I finished my pizza I looked at the coffee table and noticed that 2 packs of sugar free gum I had left there were missing. 

Of course neither Belle or Peter Pan had any idea where they were, and a quick look didn't provide any clues.  Fenway quickly solved the mystery by throwing up in her crate (she is really good about going to her crate if she is sick).  I knew as soon as I walked in the room that she was the gum thief.  You could smell the peppermint.  I cleaned it up and made an annoyed comment on my facebook only to find out that Xylitol (the sugar alcohol that makes it sugar free) is incredibly dangerous to dogs. 

So, at 8:45 on a Tuesday night Fenway and I were off to the Emergency Vet.  I was there till after 11:00 and Fenway got to spend 24 hours there.  Poor baby had to have her blood sugar monitored (that seems to be a theme at our house these days) and her liver function checked as well.  She had to have an IV for at least 24 hours.   Who knew that gum could be so dangerous!!!!!

Tomorrow she goes to our family vet for one more check of her liver function.  The final total for the 2 packs of gum- $1.75 for the gum, $612 to the E vet, $150 to our for follow up, for a total of about $764.  I don't think I can afford to chew gum at that price!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I'm Back

So, I know I have been absent for the last few weeks.  There has been a LOT going on.  I will get to all of it in time but the brief version is, school started, I got sick, the kids are still busy with sports, and the dogs are causing issues. 

The main reason for my absence has been getting back into the swing of teaching Kindergarten.  I always forget how draining the start of school can be.  Plus we are making some curriculum switches this year to try and make the children more successful so I have really been working my tail off to stay caught up.  Fortunately I once again have an amazing class.  They are really cute, sweet and fantastically well behaved.  It helps a ton to have a class like that. 

On the fifth day of school I went home with what I thought was a stomach virus on steroids.  It was not a stomach virus, and my years of self neglect have taken a toll.  My blood sugar was through the roof so I have officially been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  No more self neglect.  I am embarking on eating right and exercising.  I no longer have a choice.  Fortunately Belle can drive herself to practice now so I don't need to be a taxi service which allows me more free time.  I am struggling with this new lifestyle, but I already feel much better and hope that it continues.  I will keep you all updated as I progress.  The exercise will be the hardest part for me, it has been a long time since I did anything but warm the benches, but I can't wait to see where this will take me in the next year.  Well, that, and I really already miss a couple of things like funnel cake and caramel apples.  Life goes on though.

Belle and Moose are working hard at school and sports.  Both seem to be doing well.  Moose is struggling behind several scholarship players and is frustrated at a lack of playing time, but he is working on extra conditioning to hopefully help him improve for next year.  He is studying and trying to get a job in the mess hall to earn some extra cash.  Belle is finally healthy enough to run and will hopefully break into the top ten for her school at the next race.  She is starting back on her Ice Dancing as well and has signed up to be part of US Figure Skating National Solo Dance Series next year. 

Peter Pan is still job hunting and is now looking at going back to school to maybe broaden the hiring opportunities.  It is not a great time to be looking for a job, but I know the right one is out there.

So, that is where we all are.  I have a great dog story, but it will have to wait for another blog.  I am not sure I have the energy tonight to relate  it all.  Let me just say that it was quite the learning experience and you won't want to miss it.