Friday, May 11, 2012

Spring Break (Day 2/Part 2)

After our long drive and great meal in Newport the first night Belle and I were slightly overwhelmed to discover a red-neck family reunion and a ton of cheerleaders were occupying our hotel with us.  Don't get me wrong, I'm a red-neck girl all the way, but this was a bit overwhelming.  I am not sure which was more annoying, the people with the crock pot cooking in the lobby (I'm not making this up) or the snotty cheerleaders.  Belle and I just wanted to sleep and it was rocking in the hotel that night.  It did settle down by 10, my cut off time before calling the front desk, but we didn't love the noise.  Over all we had a good room, and it was a nice night.

We got up in a rather leisurely fashion on Sunday morning.  Our plan was to do a little more sight seeing in Newport and then Peter Pan's sister had given us a great tip for prom dress shopping.  So we finally got up, got dressed, packed and checked out of our hotel.  We headed to Ma's Donuts for breakfast.  Ma's is a Newport classic and before you scold me I didn't go for the donuts, I love the bagels.  They make the most amazing fresh bagels.  I don't even want them toasted, just a plain bagel, all by itself.  No butter, no cream cheese.  They are amazingly crusty on the outside and so soft and tender on the inside.  My bagel was still warm when I got it.  Belle got bagels and donuts, oh to be young and athletic. 

When Moose was little and I was pregnant with Belle I would occasionally stop for a bagel and soda on my way to work to curb the morning sickness.  I would get Moose a donut.  We had stopped maybe 2 or 3 times when he started saying "donuts" everytime we drove down main street and past Ma's.  Peter Pan was convinced that I stopped every morning and we had a huge fight about it.  I couldn't convince him that Moose had learned to recognize the sign that quickly!  The power of donuts.

After breakfast Belle and I headed down to Thames street to do a little souvenir shopping.  We got a few items in the cheap souvenir store and happily headed to our next stop, 1st Beach.  We used to take the kids here all the time when they were little.  In the summer their was a carousel (well, that stays year round I guess), bumper boats and a little train ride.  They loved it.  We would sometimes go after work just to let Moose ride the bumper boats.  He once lost a Batman action figure on that beach and we spent hours looking for it.  He also got away from Peter Pan and I on that beach leading to possible the most terrifying few minutes of my life looking for him on a beach.  We spent a lot our time in Newport doing things at First Beach.  We even went to a halloween costume parade there one time.

It was really fun to be back there and even though it wasn't a really warm day there were a lot of people walking around, surfing, and hanging out.  There were a ton of shells on the beach and if you were really interested it would have been a great day for beach combing.  It was sort of breezy and cool, but Belle and I snapped some pictures and reflected on our past.  She of course really didn't remember it.

After that we headed over to Second Beach.  We also went there quite often.  It was a much more natural, less touristy sort of beach and I especially loved to take the kids there in the winter.  Once right after Peter Pan had knee surgery I managed to lock myself out of the car making it necessary for him to drive the jeep down and rescue us.  Second Beach was also part of the very first X-games ever and we were fortunate enough to be there. 

Belle and I just did a really brief visit to second beach as well and I snapped a few pictures of my grown up girl back at her old stomping grounds.  It is hard to believe this was where she was a baby.  It seems like a lifetime ago (of course for her it is).

After that we headed up to Fall River Massachusetts and Party Dress Express.  We were on a mission to find an amazing prom dress.  Thanks to the good advice of Aunt Gigi we did.  This store was like nothing I had ever seen.  They had every size and color of dress imaginable.  It was like a sale day at Kleinfeld's on Say Yes to the Dress.   I actually saw a mother cry when she saw her daughter in a prom dress.  Did we find "the dress?"  We did and after Prom I will post pictures.  We ended up spending about 3 hours shopping for the perfect dress so Belle and I were tired and hungry when we were finished.  We headed on toward Boston and looked for somewhere to eat.  I saw a sign for Papa Gino's which had always been a favorite for our family so we stopped and had pizza.

Then we headed on to our Boston hotel.  Once again Priceline totally came through.  We had the most amazing hotel and it was in a great location.  We got settled in and decided that since lunch was so late we really just wanted desert.  The concierge was kind enough to direct us to Finale, which as it turns out is one of the best desert spots in Boston.  They serve some light food, but it is a desert restaurant.  We were in heaven.  I started to get the sugar free mousse, but decided to live life on the wild side and had a Molten Chocolate Cake served with coffee gelato.  Belle had a peanut butter pie.  It was amazing and worth every bit of guilt!   Hey, we walked there and back and it was cold and I had no coat (extra calorie burning right?!)  This desert gluttony did us in and we called it a night.  I  think I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.  Monday was destined for meeting coaches and visitng rinks and our wake up call was set for 5:30 AM (yep, even on Spring Break skaters get up early!)  All in all we had a fantastic Sunday.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Nonsense That Has No Purpose

So, it is Monday and I am sort of off to a good start.  But, then again not.  I also have a tone of different little stories that are unrelated (or seem that way to me) so here is my random Monday post.

  • Yesterday Peter Pan was watching NBA playoff games and happened to see 2 differrent fans walk onto the court during 2 different games.  One was mad at the official for a perceived bad call, the other was flat out drunk.  It was pretty funny, but bizarre,  I don't think I have ever seen that happen so to see it twice in one day was wierd.
  • We got Belle her graduation gift early.  This was really a necessity since she will need it next year and Moose will need his back when he comes home next week. 

  • All four of us have had Mustangs as our first cars.  Of course Peter Pan's  was a way cool 1968 Mustang that was maroon, mine was a 1982 white one that was definitely not so cool.  Moose's and Belle's are both 2008.  They are a lot a like.  It is cool to have traditions.

  • Having two 2008 Mustangs is confusing when it comes to things like car loans, insurance, and property tax.  You have to know the VIN number to keep them straight.  This is not good.
  • Yesterday Belle ran in the Color Me Rad 5K in Virginia Beach.  It was really fun to watch and certainly a low key, low stress event.  She came home a painted mess (sort of like someone had tried to turn her into abstract art or a cartoon character from the 70's).  

  • After Belle's race and the "after party"  Peter Pan and I went to Pocahontas Pancakes and Waffles in Virginia Beach.  They have the best  Pecan Pancakes around (this is according to Food Network, not just me!)
  • There was a cheerleading competition at the Virginia Beach Convention Center so Pocahontas Pancakes was overrun with cheerleaders and their families. (I'm just saying...)
  • Cheerleading competitions remind me a lot of skating competitions, same pressure, same pre-event prepping (hair, make-up, etc.) same insane Moms (and Dads.)
  • My treadmill is dying and this is hugely annoying to me.  I am just getting into a really good morning walking routine and now I am going to have to modify it.
  • I tried walking with the dogs this morning, Fenway wasn't bad, she just wanted to stop and sniff EVERYTHING!  Bella was HORRIBLE!  She barked at every car, bike, jogger and walker that passed us.  I had to keep stopping to hold her little mouth shut.  Then she wriggled one leg out of the harness so another stop was needed to fix that.  Not so much on the consistency this morning.  Lesson learned, tomorrow Bella stays home!
  • After our walk Fenway had a seizure.  She hasn't had one in over a year so I am not at all sure what precipitated this one.  It was awful. 
  • Bella has seizures at least once a week.  Often enough to be worrisome, and slightly annoying (I know I am not a good dog mom to admit I am annoyed by her illness), but not really often enough to treat them.  She had one on Saturday, it was sort of bad and definitely worried me, but as soon as they are over she is back to her bad self.
  • Moose is almost done with his second year at VMI.  That is hard to believe.
  • Belle only has 27 days left of high school, even harder to comprehend.
  • It is absolutely gorgeous here today and I should be out mowing the lawn, but I am just too tired to do it.
  • The Red Sox are really, well I can't say how I really feel, but they are not making me happy right now!
  • Monday is over!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Ridiculous Anxiety

Last week I was eating Special K and my tooth broke.  Just like that, on soggy Special K.  So Monday I had to go to the dentist.  This isn't something that I love, in fact I really avoid it if possible (probably part of the problem, but that's another story.)  After a couple of bad experiences (my issues, not bad dentists) I found one that offered sedation, there's the ticket.   Just knock me out and it will be fine.  You think I am kidding, but I am serious.  I have this feeling the whole time they are working that I am going to choke.  I have never heard of anyone choking to death on their own saliva in the dentist's chair, but I don't want to be the first. 

Well, I got to the appointment and it turned out that the break was caused by a cavity next to a filling (back to the avoiding dentists causing issues).  All I needed was a filling, but it was in the very back, bottom molar and it was going to be a pretty extensive filling.  So I asked for laughing gas.  They accomodated.  I thought it was working, but as soon as he started drilling I felt like I was suffocating.  I had a little spaz.  How embarassing was that.  My mind kept saying, you are okay.  Except another part kept saying, you are dying and you can't breath.  Kind of like in Animal House when he has the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.  The rational part of my brain couldn't win.  The dentist gently suggested more gas, and it worked.  I survived and I didn't bite or hit him. 

How embarassing was that though.  It made me think about anxiety.  I knew my fear was in my head, I tried to think good thoughts.  I just couldn't get over it. It was a losing battle and this time the "devil" of anxiety won.  The funny part is I didn't have this anxiety until a couple of years ago when I had a root canal.  Something about it set me off and now the thoughts are in my head and I just can't be rid of them.   Peter Pan made major fun of me afterward.  He said, "You really had to have laughing gas for that?"  Yes I did.  By the time I got home my head hurt, my neck hurt and my mouth hurt.  It was the tension.  I was still sort of groggy from the gas, and all I wanted to do was sleep. 

I have recovered and the tooth seems to be fine.  My jaw is a little sore today, the dentist said it would be sore for a couple of days.  I have to go back for a cleaning in a couple of weeks.  I know there are more issues to be found.  Guess what I'll be doing on my summer vacation...