Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Show

Last night was our rink's annual Christmas show.  Belle has participated in almost every show since she started skating.  The only years she didn't were the 2 years she was at Junior Nationals during the show, so for obvious reasons couldn't.  It has always been one of our most favorite parts of the holiday season.  Many rinks plan a production for this time of year, like Nutcracker on Ice.  Our rink, however, allows the skaters to choose a favorite Christmas song and create a performance.  This means that you get to see a huge variety when you come to our show.  It is always a unique experience. 

One special "rite of passage" has remained consistent.  Each year one skater, typically a senior who will be graduating and moving on, performs to "My Grown Up Christmas List".  This year it was Belle's turn.  She has already performed this for a couple of exhibitions at the outdoor rink in our area, but this was different.  This was her home ice and what could be the last Christmas show she skates in.  Hopefully she will be back in years to come, but since who knows what life will bring we both realized this might be the last one.  I wasn't going to cry, but I didn't even make it through her introduction.  So, when you watch the video and wonder why the camera is shaking, now you know.  I should have remembered the tripod, I never do! 

Anyway, on this last Sunday before Christmas I present to you Belle.

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