Friday, March 16, 2012

It is Friday!!!! (Random thoughts that couldn't fit under one heading)

Well, the handprint art went really well.  I didn't come home covered in red, white and blue paint.  The classroom is intact and most importantly my little Thing One's and Thing Two's are adorable.  Thank you Monica for showing me this idea!!!!

I was at Wal-Mart last night trying to figure out why I needed more milk already (oh yeah, Moose is home for Spring Break) when we ran into some old friends.  It was great to see them and catch up on how they are doing.  I really miss high school sports for that reason, I saw lots of people and got to catch up.  Track is sort of different, it is a drawn out affair and people come and go, you don't always see your friends.

I made the cutest rainbows and gold for the leprechaun to leave my kindergartners on Monday (thanks again Pinterest).  I used rainbow twizzlers and rolos.  It looked a little like the picture although I will admit not quite as cute.  Belle looked at them and said "Oh how cute."  Moose and Peter Pan both said, "I don't get it."  Men!

I had the wierdest dream that when I dropped my class off at PE there were 4 dachshunds in the courtyard at school and the principal told me to hold on to them until we found out who they belonged to.  Now why on earth would she do that?  They were cute dachsies in my dream, but really I think she would call the SPCA to get them.

We had a dog at school last year or the year before and they put it in the men's bathroom until someone came for it.  Whoever decides these things figured there were a lot less men who would be inconvenienced by not having a restroom.  The dog  was decidely unhappy in the men's room and was very vocal about it.

My first year teaching I had a dog come in the door with the children in the morning.  When I sent for the custodian to come get it he came down and said well what do you want me to do?  Ummm get the dog please.  It was a sweet golden retriever and the kids were glad to have it in the room, but it was a bit distracting.

I found pixie sticks in the pantry Wednesday afternoon (pageant crack if you are a follower of Toddlers and Tiaras) and now I want to see if the dogs would eat them.  No one else in the house thinks that is a good idea.  Any thoughts?  It's just colored sugar.

Speaking of the pantry,  it was a mess.  How many empty containers can there be in one pantry?  Why don't people throw them away when they are empty?  This is why things don't get replaced.  I open the door, see the box, and think oh we have that.  Trash cans people, trash cans.

So now with mind clearer and spirit lighter (thanks to venting about trash cans!) I face Friday.  Have a nice one!

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