Saturday, March 17, 2012

Dog Issues Yet Again

So, I don't know if you can tell or not, but there isn't a lot going on with sports right now.  Belle is recovering from a dislocated kneecap and some minor tendon damage and Moose is home on Spring Break.  Belle has just started back with running and skating so hopefully things are looking up and when Moose goes back to school it will be time for Spring Practice! 

In the meantime I have had to occupy myself with other pursuits.  Yesterday while I was writing random thoughts in my blog I could hear the little dog in the other room.  She was chewing a Nylabone and seemed fine.  I knew where she was, she had been out and taken care of business outside so I wasn't worried about accidents.  Fenway (our sweet lab) was with me so I knew they wouldn't fight over the Nylabone- Nylabones seem to bring out the worst behavior in the two of them.  I can buy 2 exactly the same, make sure they each have one and they will still fight over them.  

So, I was typing away, enjoying my morning coffee.  I could hear the sounds of Bella chewing and dropping the bone.  It is pretty loud when it hits the floor.  At one point I heard a pretty big crash, but I was busy writing and it didn't seem that out of the ordinary.  I finished up and decided that maybe I should get ready for work and head that direction.  Since Peter Pan and Moose were still asleep I crated Fenway and went to retrieve Bella.  She wasn't in the living room.  She wasn't in the kitchen.  I noticed a tiny space in the dog gate and thought she was upstairs, but no she didn't seem to be there.  Now, we have a small house, there are only so many places she could be.  I tried the knocking trick (she usually barks if you knock on anything because she thinks it is the door.)  I tried the doorbell trick.   Nothing.

At this point I will admit I began to panic a little.  I know it seems stupid, logically I knew she was in the house and couldn't have disappeared, but I couldn't find her.  I woke up Peter Pan and I don't remember this but apparently I woke up Moose too.  I was running about and calling for her.  Neither Peter Pan or Moose got up by the way.  Finally, and I am not sure why I noticed this, but I realized that a pile of blankets that had been on the chair in the living room was not there.  I went and looked behind it and sure enough there she was, trapped in the corner of the living room behind the chair.  Apparently Miss Naughty thought she would jump up on the blankets (she isn't allowed on the new furniture) and the whole mess fell over the back of the chair.  It is positioned so that once she was back there she couldn't get out.  That must have been the crash I heard.  I am not positive that she wasn't unconcious for awhile, well actually I think she was fine because she landed in that pile of blankets.  Still, it wasn't how I wanted to start my day.  Moose and Peter Pan were not happy with my screaming wake up call. 

It is sort of a funny story though, and pretty typical of life with Satan, I mean Bella.  She is definitely our naughty dog.  She can cause chaos, carnage, and disruption in no time flat and we love her.  These pictures (a little older as you can see by the ugly blue carpet) show what she did to a toy in abut 5 minutes one day.  I really wonder what today will bring...

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