Monday, October 3, 2011

I Can Finally Talk About It

So now that it is starting to recede into the background I can start to talk about that horrible night last week.  It actually started off at the beginning of September.  First it was one loss, then another and suddenly a 9 game wild card lead was gone.  If you haven't figured it out yet I am talking about the horrible, history making slide of the Red Sox.  

I can't believe it even now.  It seemed like such a sure thing only to be gone in a gut wrenching, infuriating lack of playing.  So who is to blame for this awful mess.  The first casualty is already gone and I am sorry to see Terry Francona go.  Even if he looked more like a librarian than baseball manager I really liked his style.  He was cool. 

On paper the Sox should be at the top of the heap, but paper doesn't win games.  Heart, soul and effort win games.  So did they give up?  Who knows.  I know it was painful to watch.  I also know that somewhere there are lessons to be learned.   It isn't always about having the best players or the highest payroll.  At some point pure desire and drive play a big role.  This is a good lesson for every athlete competing in any sport.  Keep playing and trying, keep improving, victory is there for the taking.  

Okay, so maybe the victory is not always the World Series.  Maybe it is finishing the race, playing the game, completing the event.  There is victory to be had in that as well.  I may be an insane sports mom, but I actually do know the true value of sports!  Sadly the Red Sox don't seem to!

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