Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Smell Summer Vacation!

I can smell it, it smells like steak on the grill, chlorinated pool water, and that awesome smell when it rains on a really hot afternoon..  It's summer vacation and it is almost here!  Time to relax and catch up on my...

- Housework, for 1.  I have a ton of undone jobs around this house.  I need to finally take care of them.  I really hate cleaning out the closet, but someone has to do it at some point.  That is just one of the long list of needed chores.  Hooray vacation! 

- Reading:  Oh to relax at the pool with a tacky romance novel, a thrilling mystery, a new best seller or a professional book about teaching.  Yep, first on the reading list is my summer reading for work.  I always plan to knock it out before I do fun reading.  It never seems to work out that way though.  Ask me in August how that went.

- A trip to... Oh the possiblilities are endless.  I could travel to an exotic location and have a wonderful time.  Maybe the beach, maybe the mountains, maybe the big city?  Maybe Wal Mart is more like it.  I don't see that exotic travel is in the financial cards this summer.  If I am lucky I may get to go to New Mexico and see my Mom and my sister and her family.  Oh if I am really lucky I can get the world's best red chile enchiladas with a fried egg on top!  That could be pretty cool.

-Time to enjoy my kids.  We can go places together, cook, do some scrapbooking together.  Who am I kidding, between summer school, summer assignments for high school, training for skating, football and cross country, and just general teenage angst I won't see them unless they need money!   Well good news there, I may see them more than I thought, they will at least stop by the 1st National Bank of Mom (or Mom's kitchen because, "Mom I'm starving!") on a regular basis.

I know that I will get to see them some, and I will get to hear about their training/studying/ work.  I know that I will be helping with 2 Tidewater test sessions and 1 competition.  I know that I will be setting up a new classroom in a new grade level.  I know that I will be watching Jamfest and Summer Camp with enthusiasm!  I can't wait to see this year's guest coaches/skaters.  We love Ryan Bradley and Peter and Naomi!  It has been awhile since they were here.  This is going to be an amazing camp/show.  That is what I know.  I hope I find some relaxation in between.

And before you know it time will fly by and it will be time for school.  And VMI football!!!  So I guess in the end, while I am ready for some fun I can't wait for all the cool things that are coming my way in the next few months.  Life is good!

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