Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dog Shaming

I have found this wonderfully amazing way to occupy myself- Dog Shaming.  If you aren't familiar it is a hilarious web site where people submit photos of their dogs after they have caused some sort of trouble.  It cracks me up almost every time and reminds me that I am not alone in owning incorrigible dogs.  In fact some of these dogs are waaaaay worse than mine!!!   Check it out:  http://www.dogshaming.com/

In the meantime here are some shameful things that Bella and Fenway are constantly doing:

  • Bella poops and pees all over this house.  She will walk to the back door  (if the weather is okay that is), glance at you, and if you don't notice immediately she will go somewhere to poop or pee.  Her favorite spots are in the powder room, computer room and right in front of the TV.  She is never limited by those spots however.  If she does make it outside she will pee and poop on the deck, sometimes RIGHT in front of the door.
  • Fenway insists on sleeping in Bella's teeny, tiny pink bed.  She has 2 large beds of her own, but won't stay out of the tiny bed.  Then she lets Bella get in on top of her.
  • Bella is a bully.  She takes whatever she wants from Fenway.  Fenway lets her do it.  Last night I heard all this growling and I looked.  Bella wanted the toy Fenway had.  Fenway dropped it so Bella ran off with it.  I followed Bella and she had all the toys in her bed. 
  • Fenway eats trash from the powder room.  Her favorites are toilet paper tubes and magazine inserts.  She makes a huge mess.  Bella follows behind and pees on the mess.
  • Fenway is eating her crate, literally.  She has chewed holes in the sides of it.  Nothing stops her, not even bitter apple spray.
  • Bella keeps going under the deck and getting tangled.  Then someone has to go and "fish" her out.  The two of them have totally trashed the lattice around the deck so they can get under there.  I am not sure what is so fascinating, I think they are eating rabbit poop.
  • Bella barks at everything, but mostly us.  If you bump the blinds, touch the front door knob, or ice falls in the freezer she will bark incessantly.  Her bark is loud and shrill. 
These are just a few of the silly things that the dogs do on  a regular basis.  It sort of makes you wonder why we keep them, but then I look into their sweet eyes and all is forgiven.  Who else on earth loves me that unconditionally?  I do love my naughty dogs.

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