Monday, January 14, 2013

I'm Baaaaack, Well I Am Trying!

So obviously sometime last spring I stopped posting.  I just got so busy and it was really easy to ignore my blog. First it was Belle's graduation, then we all went to the beach, then it was my summer vacation, then we had to get Moose and Belle off to school and deal with conflicting sports schedules during the fall, then ...  Well, there really isn't any excuse, I just didn't keep up with it.  So, now that it is January, time for resolutions and goals, I am going to try and start this up again. 

In order to play catch up this post will be everything that happened since the last post, well everything I found interesting, fun, amazing, or important anyway!  Beware, this is sort of a long post but I am covering several months.  I am sure that sooner or later I will remember something else that I didn't share so I will add a later blog.

Belle went to her senior prom in the dress we got on our Spring Break trip to Boston.  She had a blast and looked absolutely beautiful.  I LOVED her dress. I was sort of sad to see my little baby all grown up.

Just ignore the boxes in the driveway- Moose and Peter Pan were doing some project while Belle was preparing to go!  I know I am biased, but I think that Belle's dress was one of the most beautiful prom dresses I have ever seen.  It was not at all what she set out to get, but I think she looked amazing.
Moose had a sack in the spring scrimmage.  Being an insane sports mom, this was enough to keep my brain twisting around possiblilities well into the summer. 

Belle ran in the "Color Me Rad" 5K with a bunch of friends.  It was not a race, in fact the object was to spend as much time as possible on the course and get covered with color.  They had a blast.  She was a mess!

Belle had her final track meet and Senior day.  Track has been tough the last couple of years since Belle has fought injury after injury, but she did persevere and keep training.
Belle graduated from high school with honors and we had a blast at the beach with the whole family. 

    Belle decided to go to Marymount University and run Cross Country there. Since she decided on the less expensive college option she joined the family tradition and got her first car, a black mustang.   Everyone in our family has gotten a mustang for their first car.  This was not planned, it just sort of happened.
Moose got his VMI ring and enjoyed a fun weekend at Ring Figure.  I finally got to see him in his dress uniform and he looked really good.  He is now 3 semesters from real life.

    Belle started college, leaving Peter Pan and I with a very quiet empty nest.  She loves her choice in school and has enjoyed running Cross Country.  Highlights of her season were running her first ever 6K races, improving her time and earning a PR, and earning a spot on the regionals team. Unfortunately injury made an appearance and continued to plague her.  Still she has made some wonderful friends on the team and it has already become a huge part of college for her.
    Moose seemed to make some progress toward his football goals, even though he spent last spring recovering from his shoulder surgery.  He has an amazing attitude and never gives up.  He makes me so, so proud.

    I completed more college courses online and then made the decision to transfer to Old Dominion to finish my MEd.  I really want to be in a classroom and have that give and take.  I start this week.  We will see how long this takes. 
    Peter Pan is going to start taking classes toward a certificate in Physical Therapy Assisting starting in February.  He wants to see if that will lead to a new career path. 
    If you put all that together you will realize that starting in February every one of us will be a college student.  Yep, the family that studies together goes broke together, haha.
    So, that is what has happened since my last post in sort of a nutshell.  Now I feel like I can continue on with my blog and know that everyone is caught up.  It may not matter to anyone else, but I had this OCD need to finish last year before moving on.  Now if I can just keep up with this.  I tell my students all the time that you have to practice reading and writing, this is my way of doing just that.  Happy New Year!

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