Saturday, June 11, 2011

So Much For Cool

Well, things started off no better around here today.  Around 2 AM I awoke to a strange, sustained honking.  I woke Peter Pan up and we tried to figure out what it was.  It was the neighbor's car horn.  It was just going and going.  We were up, Peter Pan went out on the porch.  It honked for 20 minutes straight- and not like when you hit the panic button on your key chain, it was just on!  After 20 minutes it just sort of fizzled out.  Peter Pan said that the neighbor's porch light came on, then went off and no one ever came outside.  I was awake so I decided to try and bore myself back to sleep with the TV.  "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" sort of put me back to sleep.  I went back upstairs and tried to get to sleep for real.

I woke up at 6:45, to realize that Belle's alarm had not gone off and she had overslept.  She needed to get up and out the door for her ACT's.  She was of course upset and there wasn't much I could do to help her out.  The biggest issue was the fact that she has lost her calculator (this will be the third $100 calculator lost by one of my children!) and we couldn't track another one down.  Moose has one, but it is still at VMI since he is taking a math course this session.  There was great drama, and I was admittedly poor in handling it. 

Belle finally got out the door, but realized that the truck needed gas so I followed her to the gas station to make sure she made it.  Keep in mind that I was in my pj's and my hair was standing on end.  In any case she finally made it off to the test. 

I then came home to find a missing envelope with test passed certificates for the skating club annual meeting.  I found them fairly quickly so that was a good thing.  I still have a ton to clean in this computer room (maybe I should be doing that instead of blogging?) but I did get a good bit sorted.  Peter Pan did the grocery store run so I just had to shower, dress and cut fruit for the meeting.   It went well and I was feeling better.  Belle called and she seemed in good spirits as well. 

Things are staying cool for the moment, but I know there will be more issues around the corner.  That is life at our house!  We should be a reality show, except it might be more depressing than funny.  I wonder what TLC would pay us to be "One Crazy Family"? 

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