Friday, November 25, 2011

Dear Coach...

So take this for what it is, venting!  I was in the shower this morning and all these thoughts started running through my head (this is the issue with having a day off, I think way too much!)  I was really remembering a Thanksgiving vacation we took many years ago after Hurricane Isabel and the resulting sports fiasco.  I am still not over it, and it sort set me off this morning.  In any case, I am writing a letter to a composite of several coaches my kids have had throughout their athletic careers, no one coach, and aside from that vacation incident there really isn't one incident.  And , if you think it is just about my children, I have seen this same thing with so many other children.  Take it with a grain of salt.  I am recovering from Thanksgiving food overdose and midnight madness at the outlet mall. 

Dear Coach,
     While everyone else is "thankful" and "joyful" right now I am not.  I don't appreciate your attitude and consitent overlooking of my child and many others on your team.  I realize my athlete isn't the most talented on the field, but any top athlete will tell you that it isn't all about talent.  My athlete has a heart the size of Texas and more passion for sport than you will ever see.  Sadly, you have never and will never see that part of my child.  You are too busy marking statistics in a notebook to see the intangible greatness of your team.  It isn't always the best player who contributes the most.  Watch for a few minutes and see who is cheering the team on and leading the team.  Who is pushing the whole team to their best.  Who is spending their summer working and training to be ready for the fall season.  Take a few minutes and find out what each player really wants from their pursuit and your eyes will be opened.  You look at my athlete and see no potential.  How sad for you.  You have missed an opportunity to foster and create and push someone further than even they knew they could go.  Maybe it never was about being the best athlete, the star of the team.  Maybe it was just about bettering themselves. 
                                                                                              Insane Sports Mom

Now, before it seems like I have never liked a coach or never seen any positives the majority of coaches that have worked with my kids have been amazing, wonderrul people who have seen the potential and the real value of my children.  To those coaches the following:

Dear Coach,
     Thank you for continuing to believe in my child and to help him/her achieve what not even he/she believed possible.  Thank you for supporting him/her on and off the field and for seeing the amazing person growing in front of you both athletically and personally.  Thank you for making my child feel good about working hard even when he/she isn't the star of team.  Thank you for seeing the little things that make my child a special and wonderful person and for seeing his/her gifts even if they aren't always sports related.  You will never know how much you have contributed to my child.


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