Saturday, February 2, 2013

Peter Pan and his Wacky Date Ideas

Peter Pan and I both get paid once a month, right around the first.  So by the end of a month we are always sort of nutso and strapped for cash.  January is even worse because I get paid in December before Christmas and we never plan well enough for the long haul till the end of January.  So by the end of the month we are eating ramen, mac and cheese, and hot dogs.  Well, it isn't really that bad, but you get the idea.  Typically by the beginning of the next month we are so excited to have money we are ready to grocery shop!

Today was that day.  We had decided to go to Sam's Club and stock up for the month.  This may not have been the best idea since we live a very military area and everyone else who got paid yesterday was also at Sam's, plus it is Superbowl weekend so people were loading up on party supplies.  In any case, we headed off to Sam's club with our list and a plan to get Sam's Club hot dogs for a late lunch.

As we were driving there Peter Pan says, "This is like a date."  Really, a what?  I think that may have been my exact response.  If you remember last year he tried to convince me 2 trips to the dump to get rid of our old sofa was a date.  Nope, Sam's Club doesn't qualify as a date!  "Yes," he insisted, "we are together and we are going to eat food, so it is a date."  Ummmm, no, not so much in my mind.

We did our shopping, got our hot dogs, and headed home.  It was sort of fun and we did have some good conversation.  Peter Pan is still convinced it was a date.  I am convinced he needs retraining...

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