Thursday, February 21, 2013

My Dad

My Dad would have had his 85th birthday this week if he were still with us.  It is still hard for me to really grasp that he isn't sometimes even though it has been 6 years since he died.  It really seems like just yesterday.  I still remember what I was doing when I found out he was gone, I was actually at work and the principal called me to her office.  I didn't even make it in the door because I knew what was wrong and I just sort of broke down.  Then I tried to stay at work and fortunately for me the principal had more sense and made me go home.  

Anyway, for whatever reason, this year I have been thinking a lot about Dad.  This week I was thinking of all he would be proud of.

He would be so proud of all 4 of his grandchildren.  They are all wonderful and amazing people who are fun to be around.  He would be proud of their perserverance and dedication.  I think he would really enjoy sitting and chatting with the wonderful adults they have all grown to be.

He would be proud of Peter Pan for going back to school.  When my Dad retired from the Army he went back to school so he would appreciate what Peter Pan is doing and truly be proud of his hard work.

He would love that Moose chose VMI for his college experience.  I still get tears in my eyes whenever the corps of Cadets parades in at a home game and stands at attention for the National Anthem.  Every single game I wish Dad were there to see it.  I know he would love to see Moose in his uniform and he would have been thrilled beyond measure at Ring Figure.

He would love that Belle has gotten a job in order to pay for skating so she can continue to pursue that dream.  He would have truly appreciated her dedication to her dream and willingness to do whatever it takes to make it a reality.

Of course there are many things he wouldn't be so proud of.  He would be ashamed of the inside of my car and the mess it continually is in.  He took great pride in his car and it was always perfectly clean and shiny.  If you were really lucky he would let you clean the tires.  That was a huge thrill growing up.  I actually blame him on my lack of car cleaning ability- he never let me practice.

If he saw the pile of mail, bills, receipts, etc. in my kitchen he would be mortified.  Dad had a place for everything.  He would come home, eat a snack and make sure that he took care of any mail, bills, receipts, etc.  It was all perfectly organized.  I guess that just isn't genetic (I think it skipped my sister too!)


I am pretty certain he wouldn't love that I am the owner of a hedgehog.  I saved the hedgehog from an untimely trip to the SPCA and it seemed like a great class pet idea.  It is not a great pet idea and now I am stuck with it!!!

He would laugh about that though, and also that Bella is the world's second naughtiest dachshund.  The first would be the one we got when I was in 6th grade.  His name was Bismarck, but we just called him Bizy and he was busy and BAD!  He wet everything in the house, bit, growled, and even ate the seatbelts in Dad's prized Porsche (that is a whole different day's story, but just understand that Dad had saved for years to own this car.)  I bet Dad is laughing at Bella and me from heaven even as I type because I am pretty certain God has that sort  of a sense of humor and they are all laughing at my struggles with Bella.  I sort of hope that they are.  Happy birthday Dad!

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