Saturday, February 16, 2013

The One About Moose

Moose turned 21 this week which is a little hard for me to believe.  He isn't going to like being the subject of a blog, but too bad Moose!  Part of enduring labor and delivery means I get to be nostalgic and share it on the internet with all 15 of the people that read this!  Anyway, 21 is most definitely a mile stone birthday for many reasons.  It doesn't seem right that my baby is now legally an adult in every way and can make a beer run for me if I so need it.  This is the kid whose diapers I changed and whose nose I wiped.  When did he grow up?

Moose was almost a Valentine's Day baby and I believe he would have been except my obstetrician was going skiing for the long President's Day holiday weekend so he induced me early.  This caused my sweet boy to arrive on Friday the 13th.  Looking back I am surprised I didn't object to that, but I was so ready to not be pregnant and have my baby in my arms I didn't care.  I don't recall the delivery being to difficult, but then again it has been 21 years.  Peter Pan tells me I was sort of uncooperative and cranky.  I have a lot of responses to that, but I will keep them to myself.  Moose was an easy baby from the moment he arrived and if he was fussy or cranky we knew he needed something.  He was quite content to sit near us in his swing.  He was a decent sleeper and good eater and he had the most precious smile.

By the time he started talking he had already developed a sense of humor.  He called me "Dada" for several months and would laugh every time he said it.  He called Peter Pan by his first name.  From the time he could focus he loved to watch the Celtics.  He would stop playing and crawl to the TV to see them.  To be fair, he loved all basketball on TV.  He also loved driving toy cars.  As he got older he loved superheroes, Spiderman and the Ninja Turtles were his favorites.  He also liked the Power Rangers.  I actually sat through the Power Ranger movie in the theater so Moose could see it.  We also sat through the Pokemon movie for him.  The things parents do for love.

He joined his first team at the age of 4.  It was a basketball team at the YMCA.  He, like all the players, had fun but I don't think they did much playing.  He also played soccer and T-ball that year.  By the time he was old enough he joined a football team and has been playing football ever since.  He also played basketball, baseball and some soccer as he grew up.  His senior year of high school he tried out shot putting and was decent at it.  With some training he might have done all right in that area as well.

He has always loved electronics.  When he was really little he would climb up on my parents bed when we visited and push all the buttons on their alarm clock/radio.  My dad thought it was hilarious.  He was continually reprogramming VCR's and cable boxes and would push any buttons he could.  When he was 3 or 4 we won a Sega Game Gear in a contest and he fell in love.  It traveled all over with us and he played it for hours.  It was the cutest thing!  He could be entertained for a long time with it and it made long car trips much easier.

He was always fun to be around and the kids in the neighborhood enjoyed playing with him, but he was also a good friend.  He often was the peace keeper and he didn't like the games to be interrupted by fighting.  Sometimes he would just come in and complain they were all fighting too much to make it any fun. 

He was a typical big brother and Belle will tell you that he tortured her.  She will also tell you that he had her back, he could pick on her but no one else could.  When he was a junior in high school and she was a freshman he didn't tell most of his friends she was his sister.  He sort of ignored her at school, but it wasn't really a big deal.  Now that they are both in college they seem to get along better.  I love that!

All of this is really just the tip of the iceberg.  There are so many good and funny stories I have stored up.  I won't embarrass him by sharing them.  I just wanted to take a minute and remember my sweet little boy who has grown into a pretty wonderful man.  I got a fantastic Valentine 21 years ago, one I knew I wanted, but not how much.  I am proud of you Moose!!!  Happy Birthday, now will you go pick up a bottle of wine for me? 

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