Sunday, July 3, 2011

Fourth of July

When I was growing up my Dad wasn't a really big into holidays.  Don't get me wrong, we did something for all the holidays but Dad really only loved a couple.  As a veteran he loved Memorial Day and Veteran's Day, and he loved July 4th.  He was a true patriot in every sense of the word.  July 4th meant a small family cookout, maybe homemade ice cream (if we were really lucky), sparklers and snakes (does anyone else remember those), and watching the Boston Pops and fireworks on TV.  We didn't really go anywhere to watch fireworks.  It didn't matter.  It was a really fun and laid back day. 

My husband grew up in Boston.  He actually went to the Esplanade, or somewhere to watch live fireworks.  So he always wanted to take the kids somewhere and do that on July 4th.  For many years we went down to the Coast Guard base and watched the fireworks show from the pier.  Then we would go back to his office and watch movies in one of the classrooms until the traffic died down.  As the kids got older they ran in the annual 5K every July 4th.  We would watch the parade (which is sort of cool since the Revolutionary War ended here in Yorktown). 

So now I am left with 2 traditions.  Which do I choose this year?  Home!  Hands down.  I loved taking the kids to see the fireworks, but it was always hot, sticky, and a very late evening.  They both have plans to go somewhere away from us tomorrow night.  I am perfectly happy to find fireworks on TV and watch them from the air conditioned comfort of my living room.  This (and the box of Revlon #50 waiting upstairs for me) is how I know I am getting old!  I don't care at all, I will love my little cookout that Peter Pan and I have here at home with all our favorite foods.  No one will say "Ewww, I don't like the rice casserole!" or "Why can't we have hot dogs instead of steak tips".  We can have all the great food to ourselves and even have left overs! 

Will I miss Moose and Belle?  Of course I will, but this is the way it is supposed to be.  I raised them to be independent and self sufficient and confindent.  I understand why my Mom was okay with us going out and doing something else.  There is a peace to having a semi-empty nest.  I am not sure what I will do when they are gone for good, but I will find something to occupy myself.  Life goes on!

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