Friday, April 22, 2011

Counting Down

Peter Pan is counting down.  He has today and one week left at this job.  He is applying for various other positions.  We are hopeful.  I try to put a positive spin on it, but I am worried.  How am I supposed to pay for life without this income?  Let me back track a little.  In case you didn't know Peter Pan's company is making cut backs.  They are going from 3 people to 2 in his office.  He was the most qualified but the least senior.  So we were waiting to see if they would choose qualifications or seniority.  Seniority won out and he has been told he will be laid off.  This isn't unexpected, but it still seems harsh to me. 

So we are at 6 days and counting down. He will apply for unemployment benefits, any job that seems like a good fit (no Wal-Mart greeter yet, not until we get desperate), and we are "hopeful".  We are lucky, he has his military retirement.  Still, a drastic cut in our income is not a good thing.  I told him he needs to start extreme couponing!  We are looking at where we can make cuts in our spending habits.  We still need to pay the mortgage, and the electric bill and heaven help us if we don't have ESPN.

I am not worried about day to day expenses, I want to know how I am going to pay for things like skating and Moose's pizza addiction.  How do I handle the 6:00 AM phone calls "Mom I'm at the VMI infirmary and I have pink eye. They want $20 for my prescription."  What about the emergency vet visits when I can't figure out if it is a real dog crisis or not?  We are at a critical place in our lives (of course isn't that true always, for anyone).  I know there is a plan, but what is it?  I don't like not knowing!  I don't like waiting!  I am not blessed with patience! 

Almost as if to put an exclamation mark on the uncertainty Belle has been asked to go to Maryland for another tryout.  This is an easy one, we will drive up Saturday.  It seems like a perfect fit, it is close enough to home for her to get back and forth more easily, the coaches have a great reputation, the young man looks like a good skater, but not too far ahead of Belle.  Oh, but Peter Pan is unemployed, how is that going to fit?  I don't know, I am going with the flow on this one.  We are playing it out and seeing what will work out.  Wish us all luck!

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