Friday, April 29, 2011

Where Were You At 4:00AM

Where were you at 4 AM EDT this morning?  If you were like most of the world you were watching the Royal Wedding.  It was a spectacular event and it was truly a sight to behold.  I enjoyed watching it.  For me it was nothing out the ordinary to be up.  It was just something different to distract me.  I was in my usual Friday morning haunt, the  ice rink trying not to make faces during my daughter's lesson.  She doesn't appreciate my silent commentary.  In any case I had the lovely distraction of Prince William and Kate this morning.  I watched the wedding from the bench in the lobby of the ice rink.  It was hardly the most romantic spot, or even very comfortable, but I had my beautiful styrofoam cup of coffee (delicious and free for morning ice parents I might add, one more reason I  LOVE our rink!) 

It may not have been comfortable, glamorous, or exciting but we had a great time watching the wedding at the rink.  We loved commenting on the variety and style of hats.  Hats and skating don't really fit well together so we don't often appear at anything in a hat unless we are spectators and it is a stocking cap to keep our ears warm.  I love to see full on British "hattitude"  (thanks other rink friends for that term, it is so perfect!)  We also got to chit chat about our favorite and not so favorite royals.  I did feel a bit bad for the group dubbed "the lesser royals".  How's that for a self esteem buster?  Aside from one moment of sheer blankness where about 6 of us wondered aloud why Kate's Dad didn't arrive with her Mum and brother (are they separated or divorced?  I never have heard that.  Ask the skating director she'll know.  Oh yeah, he comes with her to walk her down the aisle!  Duh!)  we did pretty well.  I don't really feel to bad about the Dad thing, there were  6 of us wondering it at the same time and none of us put it together, and the skating director did know, but she probably went back in the office and laughed at us! 

I only wish we had thought ahead and planned a morning party.  We used to do that when the kids were younger.  We celebrated birthdays, holidays, all sorts of occasions.  Everyone would bring food and we would celebrate.  I miss that a lot.  I think I am actually the last person from that early morning crowd still at the rink, the others have either grown up, gone on to other rinks, or just quit skating.  It seems like this would have been the perfect occasion for a party.  We could have at least planned tea and scones.  Oh well, at least I got to see it!  I didn't aggravate Belle during her lesson!  I don't even know what she did today and frankly for once I just don't care! 


  1. I miss morning parties so much!

  2. so glad to be there too. truly magical morning
