Monday, March 28, 2011

I Really Hate Mondays!

Well Monday has rolled around again.  As usual it is starting off with a bang.  Here is my list of Monday issues this week:
     *At the rink this morning I stuck my hand in my sweater pocket.  I felt a piece of lint so pulled it out and started to roll it up to throw it away only to realize that it was not lint but a spider.  The spider didn't really like this way of being greeted so returned the favor with a bite.  Now my finger is itchy and burning and sometimes it gets sort of numb.  Time for Benadryl (or instant zombie inducer).

     * I don't have any Bendadryl.  I stopped by the Super K-Mart next to the rink to get some.  They don't open until 8 AM now.  I guess the 24 hour Wal-Mart a block away finally has taken a toll. 

     * I had to go to the Wal-Mart.  I hate Wal-Mart at any hour! 

     * Belle thinks she has pink eye.  She wants to go to Med Express!  Does  anyone know if Med Express offers frequent flyer miles?

     *Peter Pan had a minor fender bender on his way to work.  His foot slipped off the brake and he bumped the car in front of him.  It was Belle's cross country coach.  There was no damage to her car so that was good, but he is having a bad morning too and he is very cranky now.

     *Moose called Saturday.  He wanted money.  He hyper extended his knee at practice and missed lunch icing it. Of course now he needed to go and get food (I love that a full meal plan still isn't enough food for this kid).  When I pressed further about the knee I was told to calm down and that I always over react and panic.  I asked Peter Pan if sounded like I was being wild or over reacting?  I just wanted to know what was up.  Peter Pan agreed (possibly just to humor me) that I was normal.  Once Moose was satisfied that he had money he couldn't hang up fast enough.

     * While I am on Saturday issues (I realize I said Monday, but these couple of things are still nagging at me!) how come I spent over an hour on my taxes and then closed it all without saving.  Yep, it is all gone, I get to start all over again!

     *I asked the principal to come and observe my class this morning at 10:15.  What was I thinking?  Monday morning? 

     * There are supposed to be snow showers off and on all morning, there will almost certainly be one while the principal is observing.  Have you ever seen a roomful of third graders when snow starts falling?  It is not a pretty sight.

     * Why is it snowing at the end of March?  I want it to be spring.  I want to wear short sleeves and capris.  I don't want to wear this lovely sweater with a spider in the pocket! 

Maybe the problem really isn't Monday at all, maybe it is just my attitude on Monday mornings.  Hmmmm, I am going to think about that for a minute or two until the Benadryl knocks me out.  Happy Monday!

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