Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another Day, Another Doctor

Today was a follow up visit for my lovely daughter at the rheumatologist.  She had some abnormal bloodwork back in December that earned us a referral to the rheumatologist.  So far all the test results done since have come back normal.  So, I was expecting a really routine visit with a perfunctory check up, a how have you been,  everything looks normal and it was nice to see you.  Much to my surprise she got a very thourough check up.  The doctor was quite personable and spent a lot of time delving into her medical history and how she has been doing.  We updated her on our most recent visit to our orthopedic doctor and our most recent diagnosis of apophysitis (I have no idea if I spelled that right, and to be honest I don't have the energy tonight to check.)  She has ruled out the initial concern which was scleroderma, but now she has some concern that it might be spondyloarthritis.  She ordered xrays and blood work to further diagnose this.  Wow!  I was completely surprised, in a good way.  We have dealt with so much disbelief of symptoms for so long it was nice for someone to actually look further for a cause.  Typically we get, "well, she is an athlete and she does workout a lot.  Athlete's have pain."  I don't disagree with that, but she has a lot of pain, a lot of fatigue and it has all sort of hit the fan, so to speak, this year.  I am not sure if this will be the answer we are looking for.  The description the doctor gave does fit with much of what has gone on for the last couple of years.  The best thing is just to be believed that there is an issue.  I get that it is hard to believe, she has a lot of sort of non-descript pain that seems to limit her at the most inconvenient times.  If I were her coach or teacher it would be frustrating to me.  Shoot, there are days as her parent when I wonder if she just doesn't want to work at something so she feigns illness or pain.  It is so frustrating for me, and I think it is for her too.  She is actually very stoic about it all.  She doesn't really like to complain most of the time.  It is a puzzle.  I hope today we got some more pieces into place.  I really want to know what is wrong and how to deal with it.  I want her to be able to fulfill her dreams.  Most of all I want her to feel good!

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