Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It Should Definitely Be Friday Now!

Just a short postscript to yesterdays post.  I did get to bed early.  I fell asleep in record time- I would try and tell how fast, but I remember laying down, setting the alarm, telling my husband to stop talking I was tired, and then the alarm was going off.  I was absolutely sure I had somehow set it wrong, but no, it was time to be up.  I had an early morning chug of diet coke-  which I NEVER do.  Then headed to the rink where I had 2 more cups of coffee.  I was starting to feel somewhat human.  The only thing I can compare the way I felt to was a hangover.  I had a headache, I was tired, and I was way cranky.  I finally got one more giant diet coke on my way to work and by about 8:30 things were coming into focus.  Still, it was a really long day. 

Since I am writing, I have decided that my family needs names beyond, son, daughter, and husband.  To that end I am rechristening them as follows:  my son will now be known as Moose, my daughter as Belle, and my husband is Peter Pan (if you actually know him you know that is true of him, the boy who would never grow up.)  I don't know or care if they like these new names, but it will make writing a little easier.  I am always nicknaming people/pets anyway.  I drive them all crazy.  I never call the dogs by their names.  I have all sorts of nicknames for them.  Lately I have taken to calling the little one by various villains names.  This is greatly amusing to my students.  They will ask me, what is your dog's name this week.  She has been called Satan, Tillly Pox (I made that up, don't ask how or why I don't know),  Lord Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange (I was reading a Harry Potter book those couple of weeks), Satie (short for Satan), and this week I am calling her Darth Vader.  It is actually sort of hard to find appropriate villain names for her.  I have given the job to my class for the duration of the year.  Someone suggested Cruella DeVille, but that seems a little ironic.  In any case it makes Belle crazy.  She just doesn't get the humor in it. 

They forget that they have all sorts of wierd nicknames too like "Ickle" and "Potato".  Moose was actually Boo Boo for many years.  We tried to get him to nickname Belle "Kiki" after she was born but he kept calling her "Kika" it sounded wierd and never really caught on.  It makes my husband a little batty too, he thinks I am nuts.  I don't care.  It is a small bit of humor and happiness in my day.  He is lucky he ended up with Peter Pan in here- there were other options...

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