Thursday, March 10, 2011

Who is Reading This Anyway

So I have been writing this for a while and I know that some of my friends are reading it.  They will send me messages and encouragement, which I love!!!  I don't really know who else is reading it.  I have gotten a couple of comments.  I think I know who they came from, well one I was sure.  I was trying to reply to it and with my great technological know how I managed to delete it.  Oops, but that is not unusual for me.  Anyway that is off topic.  It made me realize I don't really know who sees this.  To that end I am careful what I post.  I intentionally have not used the names of my children.  I realize most people reading this know exactly who I am talking about, but it just seemed the right way to go.  I also don't write every thought I have.  Yes, I edit my thoughts before they go out into cyberspace.  As much as I want to vent every thought right from my brain I stop myself.  Most of them need to vent from my brain into the garbage can.  They don't ever need to be heard from again.  I wish I didn't even think them!  That is why it is good to get rid of them.  If you know me you know that I have a rather short memory and attention span, so once I have vented I usually forget all about whatever it is.  I really want to share some experiences I have had and maybe make a few people smile.  But print is always limited in scope and can be misinterpreted.  This was made rather clear to me this week.  Someone really misinterpreted something I wrote.  It was perfectly clear to me, even on repeated readings.  Of course I knew what I meant.  It is a definite drawback of printed communication.  It is an issue with email and text messaging too.  The bottom line is that it did make me think about my audience, and how what I say is received.  So, for the record this is really a story of my experiences.  I know I talk about my kids and sometimes I have to refer to other people as well, but it is a selfish expression of my crazy life.  I am not always right, in fact my kids will tell you I am almost never right.  Hopefully in years to come they will look back at my blog and appreciate what I went through as a mom.  Oh, who am I kidding, I just hope they don't use them at the committment hearing.

Oh and as a final note, my daughter upon hearing of my woes with this blog and the misinterpretation said, "You have a blog?"  I guess she blocked me from her facebook news feed. 


  1. It's hard to know who is reading because most people don't leave comments. One thing that helped me when I first started was getting statcounter. It let me see that at least someone was reading.

  2. well Kelly,
    I just discovered your blog a few weeks ago, but I love reading and hearing about things going on in your life (and the kids). I miss our Sunday mornings with our 2s and 3s!

  3. Thanks Rob and Kim! I like to know someone is reading it! Kim I miss our mornings too! At least I get to see you and the girls at WEC Hampton!!!
