Saturday, March 19, 2011

Milk, Milk, More Milk, Oh and the Tryout

My son is home for spring break this week.  I had forgotten what it costs to feed him!  I spent more at the grocery store last weekend for his week of food than I normally spend in a month without him!  I can't believe what he will consume!  Last night he ate 2 boxes of Macaroni and Cheese!  At first he said he wanted a grilled cheese sandwich with it, but I told him to see if he wanted the sandwich after the double serving of Mac and Cheese.  And then there is the milk.  During a normal week my husband, daughter and I may finish a 1/2 gallon or so.  I am on the third gallon since Sunday and I think he is the main consumer.  He gets these enormous plastic cups I have (I use them for ice water) and fills them with chocolate milk.  This week he has decided he has to have Nesquik, which he adds by the 1/4 cupful.  "It's sugarfree Nesquik Mom" is his healthy reasoning!  I am sorry that it is almost time for him to go back to school, but my wallet is ready for a break.

I promised updates about the  partner tryout.  I will start off by saying it was a really good experience!  I mean that sincerely, but having said that it was not the easiest of experiences.  It was apparent to both my daughter and I that she is not far enough along to be remotely ready to skate with this young man right now.  He was a beautiful ice dancer, the coaches were great.  She just isn't there yet.  She needs a lot of work to get there.  At the end it was left at "I still have a couple other tryouts", in other words don't call us, we will call you.  I am not expecting a call.  She just has too far to go to be ready for this one.  We walked away with a new appreciation for what it takes to be an ice dancer, some new things to work on, and I think she is really motivated to improve herself which is always good.  The really great thing about ice dancing is that you can be a little older and still be successful.  For now I am praying that the right path continues to be placed before us, so far it has, I have to trust it will continue to be.  Remeber though, I hate to not have control.  It is a constant battle for me.  I think I will go and see how much milk is left, I'm sure I can distract myself with a trip to Food Lion for more!

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